What is a Portret?
John Singer Sargent replied: 'a similarity in that there's something wrong with the mouth'.
The portrait reminds us that through it appears an individual character, it reflects features that make it distinct from others in the society.
The subjects of the work are as present and absent at the same time. The cycle includes 24 portraits raised in the form of a installation.
The works is  created processing with simple technical tools like black spray and scratching with scalpel (modeling the portraits).
Modeling forms and expressive lines on transparent plates. The element of transparency adds a new dimension, that of permeability and allowing the creation of a combination of portraits interrelation between them.
The portraits are faces of my relatives, friends of my daily life, including colleagues, professor etc.. Individuals who directly or indirectly are related to art and unite with me.
They are treated in a realistic way to pass later to a pure form of abstraction. Overlapped portraits create a new creature, a shape with a mix abnormal features, into alienation. In this progress of abstraction the viewer and artist both, assists as spectators in the emergence of a new image, observe stages of development and disposition of this multi facial species. Where realistic drawings start and lose their identity in a continuation of attachment. Fragmentation and collision plans produce the most unexpected metamorphosis.
At a first glance it seems like participating entities are involved in a conflict. The conflict which creates distortion, by recognizing themselves, and need to recover it again, A penetrating glance that continuously tries to shape its image in the multitude of other portraits that are attached. A loss of identity or through a breach of privacy which designed a series of iconic portraits in co-existenc which influenc each other, bringing approximates with Analytic Cubism (1910-1912) of Picasso and Braque.
  Rational analysis of images rather than simply optical diffraction volume in space, fragmentation and its perception of different plans, but the difference is that while in their subjects taken into consideration a single figure, here it is derived from a great number of figures, 2, 3,4, ... classic portraits in itself, containing real details of their characters (easily identifiable) and further transformation them to an abstraction in evolution.


the artwork includes 25 portrets raised in the form of an installation. It is created processing with simple technical tools like black spray an Read More
